I snapped a few pictures of the garden before we left and was excited to see it when we got back. These are all before pictures. We may have gotten it planted a little late (bought the farm in June) but it is catching up! In the garden we have: a few different varieties of string beans (green and wax), mung beans, soy beans, cucumbers, butternut squash, cilantro, basil, lavender, thyme, sage, dill, spearmint, mint, many different tomato plants (my favorite is black sea man, the purple ones, Zoe calls them rainbow tomatoes), cantaloupe, strawberries, butterfly bush, marigolds, pansies, lilac, yellow rose, morning glory, a citrus plant (from Tom in KY), Zen sand garden in progress, and kittens.
These two cantaloupe are now ripe and Phoenix pretty much ate one all by herself today. We picked them this morning. There are a bunch more started on the vine.
(Zoe with giant caterpillar found in the garden!)
Everything is organic with no pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. If the bugs start getting to a plant I just make sure that I dump the dishwater (natural soaps like Seventh Generation) on the leaves after I have done the dishes. It coats the plant and the bugs don't like the taste. The gray water from the dishes also provides great nutrients!