This picture shows the garden earlier in September. The morning glories are climbing up an archway we made out of sticks. We have done a lot since this photo. Now the Zen sand garden is done and there are rocks and brick around it (this would be right in the middle).

A rainbow zebra Phoenix and I drew for Jerome, to greet him when we got home.

In this picture you can see some of the progress in our entry room. The couch we got for $40 at Salvation Army. It looks great, has a pull-out bed, and is on wheels! We can roll it around the room and pull it out to sleep in front of the fire. Here Phoenix is washing my paintbrush. When demolishing the bathroom this past week we pulled down the ceiling tiles that were above the shower. I am making a painting to put up and cover the boards in that spot. It reads "All the water that will ever be is right now".

This is a picture of one of my dandelion green creations. There are (very nutritious) plantain seeds on the left side of the plate. The potatoes are from our CSA. I swiftly fell in love with foraged dandelion greens this past summer. If you let the oil get really hot they crisp up like yummy, delicate, crunchy chips. Anything this dark of a green has to be full of vitamin B right?

A picture of the garden looking away from the house. In the bottom left corner you can see a row of "red brick" lining the driveway. Someone on craigslist recently demolished a building. We have been making trips to get their remnants: antique red painted block, tin roofing, and rubble we are are breaking up and putting around for better drainage in areas. In the upper right corner you can see a compost bin I made out of a pallet and paneling that we ripped out of the house. We are going to experiment with running a hose/tubing through the compost for hot water (this has been done successfully in France, heated to tea temperature).

Our table was so beautiful this night I had to snap a picture. We got our CSA, harvested from our garden, and a neighboring farmer dropped off corn and tomatoes for us to try. Everything in the upper right on the towel was from our garden. The red basket was a gift. The rest was the CSA. Cindy (CSA) has been consistently giving us yummy blackberries and raspberries.

I am slowly working on our cycle-powered washing machine.

This shelf was a really fun find at the local Salvation Army. Someone made it out of old cabinet doors. I put it on coasters to make a "floating island". Jerome's cutting board fits perfectly on top. Salvation Army also had two of these great red tubs (center) that match the kitchen perfectly. The candle was also from a thrift store. The apples we got on our road trip. There were apple trees all along the highway in WI and MI. Apparently it's not illegal to pull over and pick some!

Okra flower in our garden. This has already turned into a yummy snot-textured vegetable and been consumed.
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