I just got back to mooncatlife on Monday. I spent two weeks doing my instructor training in North Carolina with Arlene Green. I learned so much that wasn't in my manuals while with Arlene, Larry (my new leprechaun brother), and all of the other TFH (Touch For Health) instructors. I got to camp out and hear the rain fall on my tent.
I am excited to share some amazing stories about people we helped during those weeks and now to teach others to take more control of their health. I am so passionate about this because I have seen TFH kinesiology take care of issues people have had for years in one session, and anyone can do this.
My passion is for sustainability and empowered individuals and I like to imagine a world where everyone feels able to take care of their needs. I have all of these plans running through my head about how I can begin teaching kinesiology to absolutely everyone. TFH gives people the ability to get feedback from their bodies about what is actually going on, and being their own expert, to make a correction.
I am working on a project website for a group of us instructors who all feel that sharing TFH kinesiology will make a difference in the world. We have two massage therapists, a mental health worker, two RNs and a championship powerlifter (more about these bio's to come on the website).
While at Arlene and Larry's I got to visit their Neighbors Lee and Larry (a different Larry) and talk about farming for sustainability. I was excited to find some ripe strawberries at home when I got back and we picked our first vegetables (peas) this morning for our CSA members. I have a new friend who is passionate about Eartships that would like to help me in our continual retrofitting.
This is just to catch up . . .more details to come.
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