This past Saturday we hosted a farm tour at moonCatlife. Jerome showed everyone around our beginning food forest and I took a turn showing building and retrofit projects. Phoenix showed everyone the kittens. I enjoyed making some new friends in the area.
I have been hoping to project some movies in the barn and one of our visitors just so happened to have an old screen lying around. After connecting with a belly dancing instructor I am hoping to get some lessons going here along with yoga and meditation. 
We walked on our new paths that Darrell spent so much time mulching and looked at the new apple trees. The apple area also has a mix of herbs and some transplanted gooseberry bushes and wild grapes. I wanted to try a couple of hardier pecan and almond trees in this area as well so we planted them here.
The apples were planted next to a group of trees that grew over a large strawberry patch. There are mulberries, more wild grapes, rye, and some asparagus as well as other wild edibles of the area such as wood sorrel, lambs quarters, and milk weed (pods). Clover and medic are growing throughout fixing nitrogen, drawing bees, and smelling wonderful.
This year Jerome has added a couple of pigs to our permaculture system and they are clearing the land for planting in our "pig tractor". I added some swales for redirecting rain water. We planted larger willows to boarder the farm that should have more stamina than smaller starts from the past. A path is in progress next to the willows now.
We enjoyed sharing knowledge and learning more tid bits about wild edibles and other natural ways of living from those who came.
Here's to friends, nature, and innumerable possibilities.