Tuesday, July 28, 2015

book find! Group Dynamics

While in Cleveland recently I visited a small bookstore that my friend works at. It was $1 book day so I browsed & picked up a few fun finds to read and share.

One such find is: The Family as Patient, the origin, structure, and therapy of marital & family conflicts. Always curious on the best way to resolve interpersonal conflict, I asked if my husband might listen while I read a bit during coffee together.

So far it is pretty interesting. While the book seems to be for a professional, discussing the psychoanalytic approach (Freud based) I really enjoy the group dynamic approach.

So far, what I understand is:
Individual therapy to reframe one's view can be very helpful, and help a person to move past obstacles that can limit interaction with others & reaching goals.
However, individual therapy can sometimes turn into adjustment therapy for individuals to learn how to accept an unhealthy dynamic.
Sometimes an individual may clear personal obstacles, but because of the larger dynamic, that just clears space for another to step into that same role.

In a group, when one person is acting unhealthy everyone in the group needs to be considered, the structure, dynamic, and paradigm.
How can the social and physical structure change to support fully alive, happy people?

I am thinking about conflicts I have seen in groups I have worked with in the last year. As I think back it is interesting to consider that sometimes I felt conflict mediation & nonviolent communication were limited. Perhaps a change in social structure was needed beyond the immediate interpersonal responsibility to work through one's stuff.

After having read this excerpt this morning I had a conversation with someone at a previous work place. And now my new thought is, when is someone becoming a scape-goat & how can the group support him/her instead of assuming problems will be solved when the person is gone? What dynamic allowed, even created the unhealthy behaviors? How do we keep from labeling the person? When is it time to just say, maybe this is just a personal thing someone needs to work through?

Is it about syncing paradigms?

So much to learn.
I am thinking  a lot lately about creating therapeutic spaces that nurture people & create positive social dynamics. Anyone want to come experiment with me?

1 comment:

  1. I just found this blog. I'm reading through.
    I very much like this concept of changing one person's view, so that the problem we see in others is actually in the way we are seeing them and not in the way the are behaving.
