Monday, November 14, 2011

water updates

I have had a chance to dig into my research for making our cistern a reality. My decision is now that I would really like to take my time with this system to do it how I'd like to and do it right. I have instead come up with a temporary solution that will be easily implemented but very low volume. This means that we probably will not be inviting many guests over until Spring and Phoenix and I will be taking this opportunity to travel and learn a little more than we would have been.

I will be taking a break from "doing" on the house this winter and will be focusing on making thorough plans for the Spring. This could be really fun. Since we bought the house in June I have been having a hard time finding the balance between planning and organizing and physically getting the work done. Now I will have the opportunity to plan further ahead of time.

I would also like to take some time before Spring to continue to practice my Touch For Health, Applied Kinesiology. This shifting of focus should work very well along with that.

In the mean time I have a few days to get some research, work, play and recuperation while Phoenix gets to have some special Grandpa time over in central Iowa. She says she is really having a good time despite the fact that it seems Aunt Sarah's dog karate-whipped her into the dusty ditch when she tried to boss him around! The story goes: she had been bossing the dog around all day. When they were on a walk she reached for his collar. The dog jumped into the air and hooked her arm into his leg. Phoenix went flying face first into a ditch full of grass and dust. She lay there quietly upside down and dusty for a moment . . . then burst out laughing.


  1. What a wonderful update on your farming experience.
    I was just looking through my lists and found your http://YOUNAMEITSUSTAINABLE.INFO domain and used it.

    Here it is and you are doing well. Hope that the colder temps don't get in the way.


  2. Thank you Lee. We are staying warm and making lots of plans for outside once it is warmer!
